Mechanical engineering is a broad discipline finding application in virtually all manufacturing industries and products. The department has experienced faculty members, who aid to ensure good results. The department has state of the art facilities to support the learning process and provide extensive job-oriented training to the students.
Dr. E. Mohan Ph.D.,
Associate Professor & Head
Email Id:
Mr. K. Perumal, M.E
Assistant Professor
Mr. R. Krishnamurthy, M.E
Assistant Professor
Mr. Arockia Vincent, M.E
Assistant Professor
Mr. JB. Arunpandiyan, M.E
Assistant Professor
Mr. B. Karuppiah, M.E
Assistant Professor
Mr. S. Regupathi, M.E
Assistant Professor
Mr. M. Anto Alosius, M.E
Assistant Professor
Our department aims to be recognized as a ruler in Mechanical Engineering education. This vision will be fulfilled through supremacy in education and focused groundwork themes in becoming known areas.
The mission of our department is to enlighten and strengthen the students at undergraduate level for authoritative rules in the field of Mechanical Engineering to handle research for the favour of society.
Bachelor of Mechanical curriculum is designed to prepare the graduates having attitude and knowledge to
1.Have a successful career in Mechanical Engineering and allied industries.
2.Contribute towards technological development through academic research and industrial practices.
3.Graduates will adapt to evolving technologies through life-long learning.
4.To make students outshine in professional career/higher studies for achieving global reputation through lifelong learning.
5.To inculcate in our students, healthy interpersonal skills, entrepreneurship skills, communication skills, adhering to good values.
6.To make students capable, to identify opportunities, work in multidisciplinary teams, establish work ethics, thus fulfilling the requirements of Industry and Research.
After the successful completion of Mechanical Engineering Program, the graduates will be able to:
1.An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering sciences to develop mathematical models for industrial problems.
2.An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex Engineering problems. with high degree of competence.
3.An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data obtained through those experiments.
4.An ability to design mechanical systems, component, or a process to meet desired needs within the realistic constraints such as environmental, social, political and economic sustainability.
5.An ability to use modern tools, software and equipment to analyze multidisciplinary problems.
6.Confidence in Engineering and professional skills.
7.Understanding of Professional and Ethical behavior to be prepared for ethical decision making, service to the engineering profession, and have the means to continue in the acquisition of knowledge.
8.An ability to design Mechanical systems, component, or a process to meet desired needs within the realistic constraints such as environmental, social, political and economic sustainability.
9.An ability to observe, understand the local industrial problems and to solve them with existing Engineering tools for realistic outcomes.
1.Identify, Formulate and Analyze complex Engineering problems in Thermal Engineering, Design Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering domains.
2.An ability to find out, articulate the local industrial problems and solve with the use of Mechanical Engineering tools for realistic outcomes.
3.An ability of collaborative learning to find out cost-effective, optimal solution sustainable growth.
- Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
- Strength of Materials Laboratory
- Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
- Special Machines Laboratory
- Computer Aided Machine Drawing Laboratory
- Electrical Engineering Laboratory
- Thermal Engineering Laboratory
- Dynamics Laboratory
- Methodology and Measurement Laboratory
- CAD/CAM Laboratory